You'll Want to Listen to These Six UN Podcasts

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Photo: Flickr/Jonathan Grado

There are numerous ways to learn about the United Nations and keep up with UN news, but not everyone knows that these include a wide range of podcasts. With so many to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why we’re here to help you find the podcasts that you will find engaging, entertaining, and informative. Read on as we guide you through our top pick of six UN podcasts for your next listening session!

UN Flag

Photo: Flickr

1. The Lid is On

The Lid is On is UN News’s flagship podcast, providing in-depth stories about the people behind the UN's work. Through compelling stories and interviews, this podcast illustrates how the UN has impacted the lives of millions around the globe and showcases some of the UN's most groundbreaking policies—while not shying away from discussing the organization's most criticized decisions. In addition to guests such as Kaylee Werner and Sergeant Bianca Simeon, this podcast gives a voice to the many people who work in the UN as well as those who have been affected by its decisions and some of its most crucial moments in history.

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Photo: Unsplash

2. No Denying It

There is no denying that we need an efficient response to the climate crisis and the UN’s climate action podcast, No Denying it, is here to help. Following introductions from famous voices in popular culture, such as Jane Goodall and Ezra Miller, young activists, entrepreneurs, inventors, and engineers give us the tools we need to make everyday choices and changes that can help our warming planet. From the way we vote to our homes and jobs, there is always an opportunity to influence climate policy and make a difference in the world around us. These climate changemakers are here to show us how to get started.


Photo: Unsplash

3. She Stands for Peace

She Stands for Peace examines the state of the peace, women, and the security agenda in Africa. The series is hosted by Nigerian academic and entrepreneur Dr. Yemisi Akinbobola, co-winner of the 2016 CNN African Journalist Award in sports reporting and co-founder of the African Women in the Media group. By interviewing some of the primary actors in grassroots peacebuilding, policymaking, and donation, Dr. Akinbobola unpacks the insights and lived experiences of her guests to explore the podcast’s central question: how far we have come in the 20 years following the passing of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which formally recognized the disproportionate impact conflict has on women and girls?

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Photo: Unsplash

4. UNcomplicated

News from the United Nations can sometimes be overwhelming, technical, and confusing. UNcomplicated is here to change all of that. This podcast, hosted by Sinduja Srinivasan and Jason DeWall, breaks down complicated UN news into comprehensive, straightforward, and accessible information. With Srinivasan a UN insider and DeWall an outsider, the UNcomplicated team demystifies the UN through engaging interviews and stories that are bound to leave you wanting more. From peacekeeping budgets to international privacy rights and everything in between, Uncomplicated has you covered!

UN Headquarters

Photo: Unsplash

5. United Nations Podcast Classics

United Nations Podcast Classics transports listeners back to some of the most iconic and legendary moments in the history of the UN. With all materials coming directly from the UN’s archives, listeners have access to some of the most influential voices from the organization’s past. From Raphael Lemkin, the man who defined genocide, to Frank Sinatra and his contributions towards fighting the Polio virus, Podcast Classics provides us with a window into the past while also resonating with many modern issues we continue to face today.

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6. Awake at Night

Hosted by the UN’s communications chief, Melissa Fleming, Awake at Night explores what it means to be a humanitarian worker in some of the world’s most troubled places. By interviewing extraordinary UN workers, Awake at Night tells the stories of those who have placed themselves in harm’s way to help others and emphasizes values such as kindness, compassion, and empathy. With its fourth season underway, this podcast has explored dozens of touching stories as these unsung heroes reveal some of their deepest emotional wounds while finding reasons for hope.


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